21 December 2020
The festive season is a time for happiness, joy and surrounding ourselves with our loved ones. Whilst the Australian holiday season is a far cry different from that of the northern hemisphere, it doesn’t mean that we can’t put a little summer into Christmas without compromising on tradition. When thinking of the holiday season, the first memories that come to mind are usually based on experience. These experiences come from the excitement of getting on an aeroplane, being in a different city or location and most importantly, the thrill of the luxury hotel experience. At Christmas time however, many of us choose to spend it in our own homes with family and friends, so we say why not bring the holiday home? For those of you entertaining guests over the festive season, “Christmas Housekeeping” should not be something that ties you down. Here at ahs hospitality HQ, we asked some of our housekeeping experts what they would do to add those festive hotel touches to their homes this holiday season. With such a variety of answers, hints and tips we have consolidated everything into our one-stop shop, housekeeping guide.